Eating What I Have
Last night, I took an inventory of my pantry, fridge and freezer.
The positive: I will not starve any time soon, and the food I have is largely pretty healthy (meaning - there's nothing boxed, there are only 3 cans and 1 bag of pre-cooked chicken breasts, and there's nothing like cookies or candy laying around. It's all whole grains, nuts, veggies, fruit and beans. Hooray for healthy.
On the other hand...I'm a little embarrassed by the evidence of waste and money leakage.
I eat out A LOT.
I tend to eat fairly healthy food at established, healthy restaurants, and when I eat out, I'm also feeding my heart by socializing with well-loved beings.
I spend too much money.
I tend to go to the grocery store over and over again and end up with 2 or 3 of the same item because I don't know what I have because I don't cook at home. My pantry has been like a cabinet of curiosities in an old, abandoned home. No more!
I am committed to looking in and taking note of what foodstuffs live there. I am committed to using said foodstuffs. Dare I say, I am even excited about this prospect!
On the recipe card for today:
Chicken soup with Navy Beans, Wheat berries and a variety of veggies.
Copyright: Fálki Heiðdóttir
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